Thursday, December 27, 2007

Syringoma (Hidradenomes eruptifis) - Treatment Methods and Prevention Tips Posted By : Juliet Cohen

Syringoma is a benign adnexal neoplasm formed by well-differentiated ductal elements. Syringoma is a non-cancerous (benign) bump usually found on the upper cheeks and lower eyelids of young adults. A syringoma is a skin coloured or yellowish firm rounded bump, one to three millimetres in diameter. Syringoma is completely harmless and is caused by the overgrowth of cells from sweat glands. Syringomas are often treated by electrosurgery (diathermy) or laser. This may or may not prove successful and can result in small scars. Syringomas can appear at any age, though they usually occur after puberty. Syringomas can develop in people of any race and of either gender, though females are more commonly affected.

Syringomas can occasionally run in families. Syringomas do not itch or cause pain. Up to 18% of people with Down syndrome may have syringomas. Eruptive syringomas appear abruptly in adult life. Most patients with eruptive syringomas are Asian or dark skinned. Syringomas more frequently affect women and do have an hereditary basis in some, but not all, cases. Syringomas may be associated with Down syndrome.Syringomas are frequently incidental, although some familial cases may occur. A syringoma is a skin coloured or yellowish firm rounded bump, one to three millimetres in diameter. Syringoma may be confused with xanthelasma (cholesterol deposits on the eyelids), trichoepitheliomas or basal cell skin cancer.

Syringomas are benign adnexal tumors of eccrine origin with four principal clinical variants. Syringomas can be associated with Down syndrome. Syringoma is a tumor that is located mostly in the superficial dermis. It is composed of numerous small ducts embedded in a sclerotic stroma. One method that seems to be effective and creates minimal scarring is the use of a hair removal electric needle; another promising technique uses a CO2 laser.The goal of therapy should be the destruction of the tumor with minimal scarring and no recurrence. Laser treatment is an option. Prior to treatment the area is injected with lidocaine to numb the area. Electrocautery involves the passage of an electrical current from a small metal tip to the syringoma effectively burning the lesion.

Syringoma (Hidradenomes eruptifis) - Prevention and Treatment Tips

1. Prior to treatment the area is injected with lidocaine to numb the area.

2. Electrocautery involves the passage of an electrical current from a small metal tip to the syringoma effectively burning the lesion.

3. Physical techniques such as excision, electrocoagulation is useful trreatment.

4. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy yield poor cosmetic results.

5. Technique uses a CO2 laser is treat syringoma.


1 comment:

  1. I have be dealing with terrible syringoma over six years. grouping pumps under my eyes.i continuously taking treatment to clear them. the pumps was so embarrass and was so wicked to be removed. three weeks ago i found possible natural treatment online from a herbalist, i purchased the natural cleanser online after applying, only one week all I could found my face was cleared. no pumps.I got ride of syringomas with natural herbal cleanser from Dr galiga Herbal centre. His email address Whatsapp contact +2349030608890.
